
understand that Prime Time, Inc. will perform a background check according to the guidelines laid out by the Washington State Patrol. This Background Check will remain in effect as long as there is no lapse in calendar years of volunteering at Prime Time, Inc. Prime Time, Inc. will only notify Volunteers if they do not pass the background check.


Refer to Revised Code of Washington (RCS) 43.43.830-43.43.845 for complete information. Child/Adult Abuse
Background checks may be conducted only by Washington State business, organizations or individuals, all other
states must conduct searches under the Criminal Records Privacy Act.

  1. Searches can be conducted only on prospective employees, volunteers or adoptive parents. (For current
    employees or volunteers, see note below.)
    Background checks can be requested on prospective employees, volunteers or adoptive parents who will or
    may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age, developmentally disabled persons, or
    vulnerable adults. The background check is for initial employment or engagement decisions only.
  2. Applicants must be notified an inquiry may be made.
    A business or organization shall not make an inquiry to the Washington State Patrol unless the business or
    organization has notified the applicant who has been offered a position as an employee or volunteer, an inquiry may be made.
  3. A signed disclosure statement is required from applicant before a search is conducted.
    A business or organization shall require each applicant to disclose to the business or organization whether the applicant has been:
    a) convicted of any crime against children or other persons;
    b) convicted of crimes relating to financial exploitation if the victim was a vulnerable adult;
    c) convicted of crimes related to drugs as defined in RCW 43.43.830;
    d) found in any dependency action under RCW 13.34.040 to have sexually assaulted or exploited any minor or
    to have physically abused any minor;
    e) found by a court in a domestic relations proceeding under Title 26 RCW to have sexually abused or
    exploited any minor or to have physically abused any minor;
    f) found in any disciplinary board final decision to have sexually or physically abused or exploited any minor
    or developmentally disabled person or to have abused or financially exploited any vulnerable adult;
    g) found by a court in a protection proceeding under chapter 74.34 RCW, to have abused or financially
    exploited a vulnerable adult.The disclosure shall be made in writing and signed by the applicant and sworn under penalty of perjury. The disclosure sheet shall specify all crimes against children or other persons, all crimes relating to drugs, and all crimes relating to financial exploitation as defined in RCW 43.43.830 in which the victim was a vulnerable
  4. Applicants must be notified of the response.
    The requesting agency shall notify the applicant of the state patrol’s response within ten days after receipt. The employer shall provide a copy of the response to the applicant and shall notify the applicant of
    such availability.


    • The business or organization shall use this record only in making the initial employment or engagement decision. Further
      dissemination or use of the record is prohibited. A business or organization violating this subsection is subject to a civil
      action for damages.
    • Background checks pursuant to the Child and Adult Abuse Information Act do not expire and therefore should not be
      conducted routinely.
    • Background checks on current employees or volunteers should be done through the Criminal Records Privacy Act, RCW
    • Responses are limited to Washington State records only.