Volunteering is perhaps the best way to support Camp Prime Time. Our volunteers are truly the heart of Camp Prime Time.

Volunteers are always needed to run camp sessions.  They generally work from mid-afternoon on the first day of camp until mid-afternoon on the last day of camp. Volunteer Housing is provided. Duties include food preparation, cleaning, and assisting with organized recreation activities such as pontoon boat rides, tractor drivers or campfire programs. You will experience a most meaningful/moving/rewarding exhaustion.

Making the camping experience extra special: Community members with entertainment skills are welcome during campfire times: magicians, campfire sing leaders, special activities, and more!

If you would like to volunteer at camp, complete the Volunteer Application Form and the Volunteer Background Check and return them to the camp office

Online Volunteer Application

Volunteer Information Application
Volunteer Background Checks
Volunteer Guide

Volunteer at Work Parties

Volunteers open camp in May and close camp in October. Skilled project workers such as carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and other specialized trades are always welcome.

To volunteer, please contact the Prime Time office.

Volunteer at Fundraisers

Camp Prime Time relies heavily on volunteer involvement to support our fundraising efforts – and volunteers have responded with amazing commitment and creativity. Volunteers are needed to help coordinate the Prime Time biennial Dinner and Auction fundraising event. A tree recycling service is provided every year after Christmas, which needs many volunteers to keep it running smoothly.

Check out the Events page to see the upcoming fundraisers.

To help with a fundraiser, organize one, or have ideas for a new one, please contact the Prime Time office.